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    Bag-in-the-Lens Cataract Surgery

    By Marie-José Tassignon, MD, PhD
    Editors' Choice
    Cataract/Anterior Segment

    Dr. Marie-José Tassignon developed bag-in-the-lens cataract surgery for the pediatric population. Based on overwhelmingly positive outcomes in reduction of posterior capsular opacification and stability, she now uses the technique as a primary approach in all patients with cataract. The bag-in-the-lens implant is a monofocal spherical hydrophilic intraocular lens comprised of a 5mm bi-convex optic with two elliptical plane haptics. The haptics are aligned perpendicular to one another. During surgery, a carefully centred 5mm hole is created in the anterior capsule. After the crystalline lens is extracted, a matching 5mm hole is created in the posterior capsule. When the implant is positioned into place, the posterior haptics slide under the posterior capsule and the anterior haptics rest on top of the anterior capsule. The end result is that the bag-in-the-lens implant sandwiches the two layers of capsule and seals the lenticular epithelial cells in the interhaptic groove.