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  • What Is Superior Limbic Keratoconjunctivitis?


    Can you tell me about superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis?


    Superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis (SLK) is a disease associated with recurrent inflammation (swelling), redness, and irritation in the cornea (clear outer layer of the eye) and conjunctiva underneath the upper eyelid.

    The cause of SLK is poorly understood, but may be related to injury associated with the upper lid. It has also been linked to auto-immune phenomena (when the body’s immune system attacks its own tissues) such as thyroid disorders.

    As such, there are a variety of treatments used, unfortunately, with uneven results. Generally, ophthalmologists have recommended intense lubrication to treat SLK; however, others have tried pressure patching, bandage contact lenses, topical steroids, and topical cyclosporine. Surgical treatments include cryotherapy (application of intense cold), cautery (application of heat), and membrane transplantation. You should discuss with your ophthalmologist as to which treatment is best for you.

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