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  • Part A courtesy of Paul A. Sidoti, MD; parts B and C courtesy of Tatyana Milman, MD.
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    Ocular Pathology/Oncology

    Iridocorneal endothelial (ICE) syndrome. A, Iris nevus syndrome. The normal anterior iris architecture is effaced by a membrane growing on the anterior iris surface (asterisk). The membrane pinches off islands of normal iris stroma, resulting in a nodular, nevus-like appearance (arrowheads). B, Essential iris atrophy. Atrophic holes in the iris and a narrow anterior chamber, consistent with peripheral anterior synechiae formation. C, A membrane composed of spindle cells lines the posterior surface of the cornea and the anterior surface of the atrophic iris (arrows). Metaplastic endothelial cells deposit on the iris surface a thin basement membrane that exhibits positive periodic acid–Schiff staining and is analogous to Descemet membrane. D, Descemet membrane lines the anterior surface of the iris (arrows). The iris is apposed to the cornea (peripheral anterior synechiae, asterisk).