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  • The American Academy of Ophthalmology’s Special Recognition Award honors an individual or organization for outstanding service in a specific effort or cause that improves the quality of eye care.

    The Academy is pleased to present the 2018 Special Recognition Award to the Ophthalmology Section of the National Medical Association during the Opening Session of AAO 2018 in Chicago.

    The National Medical Association (NMA) is committed to improving the quality of health among minorities and disadvantaged people through its membership, professional development, community health education, advocacy, research and partnerships with federal, academic and private agencies. Throughout its history, the NMA has focused primarily on health issues related to African Americans and medically underserved populations. However, its principles, goals, initiatives and philosophy encompass all ethnic groups.

    Initially established in 1939 and comprised of members from every subspecialty, the ophthalmology section of the National Medical Association has been a leading force in eliminating disparities in minority healthcare and promoting optimal health through its focus on the collective interest of ophthalmologists and patients of African descent.