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  • Expanding Member Volunteer Opportunities

    The Academy offers its members many ways to volunteer and work with fellow ophthalmologists to ensure our programs and services support the delivery of the highest quality eye care.

    Serving on a Academy committee, while popular, is not the only way to get involved. A new Academy effort is highlighting dozens of ways to volunteer outside of committee service.

    "We believe this initiative will enhance our members’ connection with the Academy through meaningful service, advance the Academy’s work on behalf of its members and the public and provide a pipeline of future committee members," said Aaron M. Miller, MD, MBA, secretary for member services.

    Here's what you need to know:

    Volunteer Opportunities

    • You’ll find these opportunities listed in the updated volunteer section of
    • Each listing provides information about the opportunity, instructions on how it’s done and a connection to get started.
    • Members’ volunteer efforts will be acknowledged and noted.

    Academy Guidelines on Committees and Task Forces

    • No more than seven members may serve on one committee at a time
    • Members serve for up to five one-year terms.
      • Chairs may serve an additional five one-year terms.
    • Members should serve on no more than two committees simultaneously.
    • The Board of Trustees’ will make fewer exceptions to these guidelines when it reviews committee appointments.