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  • 2022 Election Results: 

    The Academy conducted its 2022 election from Oct. 3 to Nov. 1. A total of 16,157 ballots were sent to the membership, of which 1,714 were returned for tabulation. The election results for the Board of Trustees officer and trustee-at-large position are as follows (all will begin their terms on Jan. 1, 2023):

    The proposed amendment to Code of Ethics Rule 13 was approved: 

    Code of Ethics: Rule 13 - Communications to the Public. Communications to the public must be accurate. They must not convey false, untrue, deceptive, or misleading information through statements, testimonials, photographs, graphics, or other means. They must not omit material information without which the communications would be deceptive. Communications must not appeal to an individual's anxiety in an excessive or unfair way; and they must not create unjustified expectations of results. Communications must not promote health-related misinformation or claims that are false, deceptive, or misleading; statements based on opinion must be identified as such and must not contain material claims of safety and/or efficacy that cannot be substantiated. If communications refer to benefits or other attributes of ophthalmic procedures that involve significant risks, realistic assessments of their safety and efficacy must also be included, as well as the availability of alternatives and, where necessary to avoid deception, descriptions and/or assessments of the benefits or other attributes of those alternatives. Communications must not misrepresent an ophthalmologist's credentials, training, experience, or ability, and must not contain material claims of superiority that cannot be substantiated. If a communication results from payment by and ophthalmologist, this must be disclosed unless the nature, format, or medium makes is apparent. 

    Election Summary

    • Total ballots distributed: 16,157
    • Valid returns: 1,714
    • Percent total returns: 11%
    • Voting by mail: 317
    • Voting by Internet: 1,397

    Results supplied by the Academy’s election agent, Intelliscan, Inc.