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  • The American Academy of Ophthalmology endeavors to protect your email address from inappropriate use. If the Academy determines that the use of your email address is of benefit to its members and/or their patients, the Academy may, with the approval of its CEO, provide your email address to a third party. This is done on rare occasions.

    Use of Academy Email Addresses

    The Academy’s CEO may grant permission to use Academy email addresses to organizations, firms, or individuals who agree to comply with the following conditions:

    1. The Academy determines if the use of email addresses is of benefit to its members and/or their patients.
    2. The content of every email correspondence is subject to advance approval by the Academy. A sample of each intended email correspondence must be reviewed and approved by the Academy.
    3. Each set of member email addresses will be used only once and only for the purpose approved by the Academy.
    4. An entity other than the Academy cannot use Academy member email addresses to create or update its own database. The email address list is the property of the Academy and may not be duplicated or retransmitted or resold to a third party.
    5. Use of Academy member email addresses does not imply Academy endorsement, and no implication of endorsement will be made in any correspondence.
    6. Academy member email addresses will not be made available for any communication on drugs, medical equipment, or devices involving the offer of a rebate, discount, or other remuneration, which in the sole discretion of the Academy might be illegal or unethical.
    7. Academy member email addresses will not be made available for any communication that, in the judgment of the Academy, would tend to mislead, misinform, or deceive.

    Approved by:   Board of Trustees, October 2000
    Revised and Approved by:  Board of Trustees, April 2007
    Revised and Approved by:  Board of Trustees, January 2012

    ©2012 American Academy of Ophthalmology®
    P.O. Box 7424 / San Francisco, CA 94120 / 415.561.8500