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  • A Mid-Year Message from OPHTHPAC’s Chairman

    We don’t get many opportunities to engage directly with our federal lawmakers. They’re busy people, with many constituents and issues, and they spend the bulk of their time in Washington, D.C. So, we must make the most of opportunities to engage with them locally.

    August is one of those times.

    When Congress’ upcoming August recess arrives, you’ll have the perfect opportunity to meet at home with your representatives and senators. You’ll get the time you need to discuss ophthalmology’s legislative priorities. I can’t stress enough how important these meetings will be.

    That’s why you’ll have the full support of the Academy’s federal affairs team – including OPHTHPAC®.

    OPHTHPAC Chair Jeff S. Maltzman, MD, left, on a hike with Arizona Democratic Sen.  Krysten Sinema
    OPHTHPAC Chair Jeff S. Maltzman, MD, left, on a hike with Arizona's Democratic Sen. Krysten Sinema.

    OPHTHPAC is your political action committee for federal advocacy. Many U.S. ophthalmologists have invested in ophthalmology’s PAC with the goal of directly supporting lawmakers in Congress who promote our legislative and regulatory agenda.

    OPHTHPAC opens doors, increases awareness of our profession and provides you with the access you need to build strong relationships with our lawmakers. When you meet with your lawmaker, you can do so knowing that the Academy’s federal affairs staff has laid an impressive foundation on which you’ll stand. Academy member support of OPHTHPAC is part of this process, and with a strong PAC, we can have an even stronger profession.

    Help strengthen our profession, and meet with your legislators this summer. The Academy is here to support you with scheduling assistance and all the necessary information for a successful meeting. In addition, I urge you to make an OPHTHPAC contribution so we can continue to support the work you’re able to do locally.

    Jeff S. Maltzman, MD
    Chair, OPHTHPAC Committee