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    Il Gattopardo 2 (The Leopard's Second Eye)

    AAO 2019 Video Program

    Purpose The story of a patient who was injured while hunting is shown in this video. After penetrating trauma, all ocular structures were involved, from the cornea to the retina (“pole to pole” surgery). Methods This patient was hit in the right eye by several birdshot pellets, resulting in severe penetrating trauma with large corneal wound, iris laceration, retinal detachment and suprachoroidal hemorrhage. Results After immediate corneal suture, he was reoperated 10 days later for corneal removal, TKP apposition, vitrectomy, intraocular foreign body removal, suprachoroidal hemorrhage drainage, iris reconstruction, PK and final perfluorocarbon liquid–heavy silicone oil exchange. Conclusions After 40 days, heavy silicone oil was removed and the retina was successfully attached and was retamponaded with 1000 cs silicone oil.