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  • Braille, Louis

    A postage stamp with a black and white drawing of a man in profile. The top of the stamp reads: Republique Francaise. The number 64 is along the left hand side. The bottom of the stamp reads: Louis Braille.Louis Braille (1809‐1852) was born in Coupvray, France. He became blind after an accident at the age of 3 and attended the Royal Institute for Blind Youth in Paris. In 1821 a lecturer named Charles Barbier described a form of code that soldiers used containing raised dots. Using this premise, Braille created his own code for the blind and published it in 1829 at the age of 20.

    A 19th century postcard with handwriting and many small raised tactile dots. The top of the postcard has the words United States of America printed across it next to a cameo drawing of Thomas Jefferson.In 1860, the Missouri School of the Blind became the first in the United States to adopt Braille writing, however, several other systems of dot lettering were also being used around the country. Between 1900 and 1932 American Braille, British Braille, the New York Point System and the Standard Dot system were all competing to become the standard type for English‐speaking blind. A compromise system of dots is what we know today as English Braille.