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  • Comprehensive Ophthalmology, Oculoplastics/Orbit

    Review of: Characterization of Facial Trauma Associated with Standing Electric Scooter Injuries

    Yarmohammadi A, Baxter S, Ediriwickrema L, et al. Ophthalmology, July 2020

    Investigators retrospectively reviewed patients who sustained facial injury after riding an electric scooter.

    Study design

    This is a retrospective case series included 1 year of data from 2 academic emergency departments in San Diego, California. They identified 34 patients who presented with scooter-associated facial injury. 


    Of 34 patients, 74% were men with a mean age of 36.7 years. Approximately 74% of patients were intoxicated or impaired due to drug or alcohol use when the accident occurred. No patients were wearing a helmet.

    One or more facial fractures were sustained in 94% of cases. All patients had normal visual acuity on presentation except for 1 who had a retrobulbar hemorrhage. One patient showed intraretinal hemorrhages. Close to 15% of patients sustained an eyelid laceration, while 21% had associated intracranial hemorrhage.


    This is a retrospective case study and it is difficult to get an idea of the actual incidence of injuries and how e-scooters compare to other modes of transportation.

    Clinical significance

    Electric scooters are being deployed increasingly throughout the world and ophthalmologists should be aware of the potential facial injuries associated with their use. The patients in this study showed a high incidence of drug or alcohol use. In addition, none were wearing helmets. This study supports the development of public policy to safeguard people who use of this emerging mode of transportation.