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  • By Lisa B. Arbisser, MD
    Cataract/Anterior Segment

    This experimental in-vitro study compared the efficiency and chatter of four nonlongitudinal phacoemulsification ultrasound options: Infiniti Ozil with and without Intelligent Phacoemulsification (IP) and Signature Ellips with and without FX. The study provided a wonderful model. The authors found that when optimized, Ozil-IP and Ellips-FX were similar in both parameters, and both generally performed better than previous technology.

    Futhermore, the settings made a considerable difference in efficiency and chatter, which closely correlate with each other. Higher vacuum generally improved efficiency and chatter, while additional power often increased both. Amplitude had a variable effect depending on the power level. Efficiency was closely related to chatter.

    To conduct the study, the authors created 2.0 mm human lens cubes using an instrument devised for the study. The cubes were tested (10 per test) for time of particle removal (efficiency) and for the number of times the lens particle bounced off the tip (chatter) at 300 mm Hg and 550 mm Hg, 50 and 100 percent power, and 50 and 100 percent amplitude (for Ozil only).

    Efficiency varied from a mean of 3.3 seconds ± 1.4 (SD) to 50.4 ± 11.7 seconds and chatter from 0.0 to 52.0 ± 16.7 bounces per run. The Ozil-IP was generally more efficient than the Ozil, and the Ellips FX more efficient than the Ellips. In general, efficiency and chatter were better at 550 mm Hg and 50 percent power.

    The authors conclude that the approach used in this study will allow objective comparison of other ultrasound modalities and settings.