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  • By Shimon Rumelt, MD

    The authors of this prospective, nonrandomized study evaluated the results of sentinel lymph node biopsy in 30 patients with ocular adnexal (eyelid or conjunctival) melanoma. The overall sentinel lymph node positivity rate was around 16 percent, and there were 2 false negative events for a false-negative event rate of 8 percent, an improvement over previous studies in this series over the last four years. Ulceration was present in 11 patients (39 percent), including four of the five positive patients and both of the false-negative patients. Based on these results, the authors recommend sentinel lymph node biopsy for patients with intermediate-thickness ocular adnexal melanoma, especially if there is ulceration.

    Listen to this podcast of Dr. Robert Goldberg, oculoplastics editor for the Academy's ONE Network, and the lead author, Dr. Bita Esmaeli, discussing the implications of her study on clinical practice.