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    AAO/SOE Webinar: Virtual Glaucoma Management: Home Monitoring and Telehealth


    Management decisions in the care of patients with glaucoma are usually informed, in part, by data captured by multiple investigations including imaging, visual fields and intraocular pressure measurement. Modern systems of care may allow for this data to be captured on patients remotely to the location of their ophthalmologist, potentially even at their home, allowing management without direct physician-patient contact. Virtual clinics and home monitoring may become the most efficient way to manage the increasing number of patients with glaucoma and help address the challenges we face due to the coronavirus pandemic. In the webinar jointly hosted by the American Academy of Ophthalmology and the European Society of Ophthalmology, experts from the U.S. and Europe share the latest developments on both sides of the pond.

    Telemedicine / Teleglaucoma / Virtual Clinics

    • Dr. Anja Tuulonen (European Perspective)
    • Dr. Louis Pasquale (American Perspective)

    Home Monitoring

    • Dr. Augusto Azuara-Blanco (European Perspective)
    • Dr. David Friedman (American Perspective)


    • Dr. Anthony Khawaja (SOE)
    • Dr. Janey Wiggs (AAO)