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  • IRIS Registry


    The data presented here are derived from the Academy's IRIS® (Intelligent Research in Sight) Registry, the nation's first comprehensive eye disease clinical registry. The IRIS Registry receives data from more than 3,000 practices that have contributed more than 300 million patient visits to date.

    Because most of the data in the registry are obtained from electronic health records and offer potential insights into eye disease and care, the Glaucoma Education Center has developed visualization tools to analyze demographic information, insurance claims, disease severity, and surgeries performed across the various types of glaucoma patients and suspects.

    • Glaucoma prevalence and type are determined by ICD-10 codes.
    • Surgeries are identified by CPT codes.
    • Unlike medical claims data bases such as Medicare, over time, intraocular pressure and visual acuity data will be available.

    Eventually, this information will provide clinicians a snapshot of the status of the various types of glaucoma by region, demographics, and year, and can be used to educate not only eyecare providers but also medical students, other healthcare providers, and patients.

    2022 IRIS Registry Glaucoma Data Outcomes   2015–2021 IRIS Registry Glaucoma Data Outcomes 

    The IRIS Registry data on the Pyott Glaucoma Education Center are presented here for informational and academic purposes only. The Academy requires prior written permission and approved attribution for any work derived from data in the IRIS Registry. Please contact us at for further information.

    Data Specifications and Definitions

    Disclaimer: In creating the visual information above, the Academy uses standard methods to represent the data available through the registry. The Academy does not represent, warrant or guarantee that the data used herein are complete or free from errors arising from collection, coding errors, analysis, statistical methodology, computation or any other source. The Academy disclaims all liability resulting from claims arising from reliance on the Glaucoma Outcomes from the IRIS Registry.