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    Hedgehog Inhibitors for Basal Cell Carcinoma

    AAO 2019
    Complications, Eyelid Tumors , Ocular Pathology/Oncology, Oculoplastics/Orbit, Orbit

    In this interview from AAO 2019, Dr. Alon Kahana discusses the use of the hedgehog pathway inhibitor vismodegib (Erivedge) for treating basal cell carcinoma. He presented findings from his prospective trial during Oculofacial Plastic Surgery Subspecialty Day at AAO 2019, including data suggesting vismodegib can lead to good visual acuity and visual function outcomes. Dr. Kahana concludes that the drug holds potential as a neoadjuvant therapy, possibly reducing the need for surgery in patients with basal cell carcinoma.

    Relevant Financial Disclosures: Dr. Kahana is a consultant for and receives grant support from Genentech.

    Relevant Financial Disclosures: None