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  • Parts A and C–H courtesy of Alison Skalet, MD, PhD; part B courtesy of Tero Kivelä, MD.
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    Ocular Pathology/Oncology

    Benign iris melanocytic lesions, clinical appearance. A, Iris freckles are flat and often multiple. B–D, Iris nevi have a variable appearance and may be flat (B, C) or nodular (D). They may cause ectropion uveae (B). C–H, The slit-lamp (C, D), gonioscopic (E, F), and ultrasound biomicroscopic (UBM) (G, H) appearances of 2 long-standing iris nevi are shown. The lesion shown in parts C, E, and G is flat and diffuse and has remained stable for 15 years. The lesion shown in parts D, F, and H is nodular and has remained stable for 20 years.