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  • Courtesy of Richard F. Spaide, MD.
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    CSC with white dots. A, A color fundus photograph shows an ovoid elevation of the retina that has white dots on the undersurface (arrowheads). B, Fluorescein angiography reveals a single leakage point. C, The elevated retina, seen in cross section, has a thick coat on its inner surface that has autofluorescent characteristics consistent with retinal outer segment –derived fluorophores. These fluorophores are therefore considered to be derived from the outer segments that could not be phagocytized by the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) because of the physical separation, caused by the fluid, of the retina and RPE. The region of shaggy photoreceptors contains punctate dots that are highly reflective; it has been theorized that these dots are macrophages.