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  • Dr.K.V.Ravi Kumar – Rotary Eye Hospital – Vuyyuru – India.
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    Cloudy cornea in adult – a masquerade of phacolytic glaucoma. A 75-year-old female who in 1 weeks’ time had a total loss of vision, pain, redness, and total whitening of the right eye. Her vision in the right eye was PL + PR inaccurate and the left eye 6/12, N9 with glasses. Intraocular pressure was 60 in the right eye and 14 mm in the left eye. She was diagnosed as having cloudy cornea due to phacolytic glaucoma in the right eye. The patient was managed with I.v. mannitol, topical and systemic steroids, antiglaucoma medications to control IOP and reduce inflammation. After one week she underwent SICS+PCIOL implantation and she regained 6/9, N9 vision after s6 weeks postoperative