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  • Reproduced with permission from Hamill MB. Repair of the traumatized anterior segment. Focal Points: Clinical Modules for Ophthalmologists. San Francisco: American Academy of Ophthalmology; 1992, module 1. Illustrations by Christine Gralapp
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    Cornea/External Disease

    Restoring anatomical relationships in corneoscleral laceration repair. A, Prolapsed vitreous or lens fragments are excised. B, Iris is reposited by means of viscoelastic and a cannula inserted through a separate paracentesis. C, Landmarks such as limbus, laceration angles, or epithelial pigment lines are closed. Vertical lacerations are closed first to create a watertight globe more quickly, followed by shelved lacerations. D, The scleral part of the wound is exposed, prolapsed vitreous is severed, and the wound is closed from the limbus, working posteriorly.