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  • Parts A–C courtesy of Ronald C. Gentile, MD; part D courtesy of Colin A. McCannel, MD.
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    Idiopathic uveal effusion. A–C, In this patient’s left eye, the visual acuity was reduced to 20/70, and systemic workup was negative. A, Fundus photograph demonstrates blunted foveal reflex and irregular, subtle subretinal deposits. B, Corresponding fluorescein angiography image reveals a diffuse leopard-spot pattern of blocking with intervening window defects involving the entire posterior pole. C, OCT scan reveals a small amount of subfoveal fluid and outer retinal deposits. Not shown is a peripheral serous retinal detachment. D, Fundus photograph from a separate case of recent-onset uveal effusion shows the typical appearance of serous retinal detachment syndrome as well as an underlying choroidal detachment, which is common for this condition.