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  • Part A courtesy of Ralph C. Eagle, MD; parts B and C courtesy of Robert H. Rosa Jr, MD.
    File Size: 164 KB
    Ocular Pathology/Oncology

    Phthisis bulbi. A, Gross photograph of a whole globe. Note the squared-off shape of the globe (arrow), resulting from hypotony and the force of the 4 rectus muscles on the sclera. B, Gross photograph of a phthisical globe that has been opened. Note the irregular contour, cataractous lens with calcification (asterisk) cyclitic membrane with adherent retina (arrowheads), and bone formation (between green arrows). C, Photomicrograph demonstrating the histopathologic correlation with the gross photograph shown in part B. In addition, organized ciliochoroidal effusions are apparent histologically (blue arrows).