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  • Courtesy of Mina M. Chung, MD, and Hongxin Song, MD, PhD.
    File Size: 185 KB

    Comparison of a conventional fundus photograph (A) and confocal adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscope (AOSLO) images of a healthy left-eye macula. The white box on the fundus photo that is closer to the fovea is 0.5° from fixation and represents a 300 . 300-micron area of macula. The corresponding AOSLO image of the retina within that white box (B) shows cones that are smaller and very tightly packed; no rods are visible. The white box on the fundus photo that is closer to the optic nerve is 7° from fixation and also represents a 300 . 300-micron area of macula. The corresponding AOSLO image (C) shows cones that are larger and less densely packed; intervening rods are starting to become visible.