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  • Clinical Currency Review

    Description: The Academy publishes educational material for different audiences in a variety of formats, e.g., books, online cases, podcasts, etc.  To keep the educational content updated, these materials periodically require review for clinical currency. 

    Expectations: You must have no financial relationships with industry and have experience formally teaching, managing or collaborating with the publication’s target audience. You must be able to complete the review in the specified time and able to communicate with staff and physician contacts in a timely manner. In some cases, you will review content and provide comments on a website. This requires that you be comfortable navigating and accessing materials online.

    Time commitment: Varies depending on specific activity or publication. Staff can give you a time estimate for a specific project.

    Instructions:  First, submit or update your disclosures stating that you have no financial relationships with industry.  Your disclosures must be for the current calendar year. Next, email the Education Division and provide this information:

    • Subject Line: Volunteer for Currency Review
    • Your practice focus, e.g., subspecialty or comprehensive
    • List the specific audience(s) and relevant experience you have teaching, managing or collaborating with the audience(s):
      • Comprehensive ophthalmologists
      • Ophthalmic subspecialist (type)
      • Ophthalmology residents
      • Medical students
      • Allied health – technicians, nurses
      • Other physicians – non-ophthalmologists
    • Your general availability, e.g., next 90 days, anytime, next 12 months
    • Attach your CV

    Deadlines: Varies depending on specific publication. Staff will provide a specific project's timeline and deadlines once a reviewer is selected.