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  • Resolutions for a Great New Year!

  • Happy New Year! It’s 2020 and January is the month to make those New Year’s resolutions (or at least to resolve to make a resolution or two), but you may ask, who can make life adjustments right now?  It’s cold (in most of the country), gets dark early, and the post-holiday slump may already be here. To keep the New Year spirit alive throughout the depths of this winter month, listen to the age-old motherly advice to eat those fruits and vegetables, get enough sleep, and always say please and thank-you to defy those winter doldrums!  Oh, and maybe check into some basic techniques listed below to enhance your overall well-being. As C. S. Lewis wrote, “You are never too old to set another goal or dream a new dream.”

    To help you get started, try these very achievable New Year's resolutions during 2020. Many of these are easy to do and take minimal effort that can result in a nice benefit for your health and overall well-being.

    New Year’s resolutions, when unfulfilled, may leave us feeling guilty unless we turn the tables and break the cycle of negativity by employing positive affirmations and looking at resolutions through a different lens.

    Of course another strategy is to take control of the overabundance of self-help advice with these five strategies and listen to your intuition about what to integrate into your life.