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  • Coding Top 10: CPT Code for XEN-EX, Drug Code for CXL and CPT Code for New Technology IDx-DR

    Coding Top 10, April 2019

    Ask the Academy Coding Experts is an online resource for trusted responses to your coding questions.

    The Academy Coding Experts receive daily questions at and We are committed to providing accurate responses so that practices are confident in their billing and coding.

    Get trusted answers to your coding questions from the Academy’s coding experts, so you can bill and code with confidence. The April coding selections include:

    1. Billing of Cancelled Surgery
      When a patient cancels elective surgery planned for later in the day, can we still bill for the physician’s time?

    2. CPT Code for Ingrown Eyelash
      What code should we bill for removing an ingrown eyelash?

    3. CPT Code YAG Laser for IOL Deposit
      A patient presented with deposits and pigment on the anterior surface of an IOL. The surgeon used a YAG laser. What is the appropriate CPT code to submit.

    4. Payer Processing of Claim
      We collected the Medicare deductible of a patient we treated in January and then submitted the claim two weeks later. Upon receipt of the remittance advice, it states the patient has satisfied the deductible and we now owe a refund. I thought Medicare processed claims by date of service.

    5. Two ERGs the Same Day
      Can we bill for both CPT codes 92273 Electroretinography (ERG), full field and 92274 ERG, multi field the same day?

    6. Correct CPT Code for Patient with Submacular Hemorrhage and VMT
      Our physician performed pneumatic displacement of submacular hemorrhage and vitreo-macular traction. What are the appropriate CPT codes?

    7. YAG Billing for SubILM Micro-aneurysm
      Our retinal surgeon performed a YAG laser for sub-internal limiting membrane microaneurysm and retinal hemorrhage. Is there a CPT code for this newer procedure?

    8. CPT Code for New Technology IDx-DR
      Our practice may purchase the new IDx-DR device that used autonomous artificial intelligence to detect and interpret diabetic retinopathy. Is there a billable CPT code?

    9. CPT Code for XEN-EX
      I’ve read that there is a difference in billing for XEN EX than the traditional placement of XEN 45 that is placed ab interno. What CPT code do we submit?

    10. Drug Code for CXL
      Does Corneal Cross-linking (CXL) have a drug code, or are we to continue using the unlisted code?