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  • Get ready for new E/M requirements on Jan. 1

    Question: What’s the first thing we need to do to transition to the new E/M requirements starting Jan. 1?

    Answer: Here are a few steps to take right now to ensure a smooth transition on January 1. 

    1. Assign a project lead for a smooth transition. This may be a billing manager, administrator, physician, or staff person with a strong E/M background.
    2. Educate everyone who documents in the chart. Each person must be aware of what changes. To help, the Academy's Conquering New E/M Documentation Guidelines for Ophthalmology online tutorial + workbook with CME, teaches you about the new documentation requirements.
    3. Use your productivity reports to identify procedure and diagnosis codes frequently reported per physician. This will help the physician determine which elements of history and exam he or she feels is medically relevant.

    Bottom line is we cannot keep documenting the way we always have. The new requirements will help streamline care under the direction of the physician.

    For more E/M tips and resources, visit