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  • Goniotomy and Other Glaucoma Surgery Same Day

    Question: Is it appropriate to report CPT code 66174 for therapeutic dilation of Schlemm's Canal and code 65820 for a goniotomy when these two procedures are performed on the same eye to treat glaucoma?

    Answer: According to CPT Assistant, December 2018: No, it would not be appropriate to report code 66174 Transluminal dilation of aqueous outflow canal; without retention of device or stent in conjunction with code 65820 Goniotomy. Only code 66174 should be reported, as this procedure represents the service performed, and the incision inherent in goniotomy is incidental to code 66174.

    Learn more about glaucoma surgical procedures in EyeNet’s Savvy Coder May 2018 and in the Glaucoma Coding Module