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  • Modifier Usage During Global Period

    We have a patient in the global period for surgery on the right eye and we performed a laser (SLT) on the left eye. Do we append modifier 24 to the visit or the laser?

    Modifiers -24, -25 and -57 are applied to office visits. Modifiers -58, -78, -79 are applied to surgical procedures. See the modifier reference guides provided on the Academy’s webpage Coding Updates and Resources

    If the exam performed on the left eye was solely to determine the need for the procedure, then it does not meet the definition of modifier -25, significant, separately identifiable exam the same day as the minor procedure. If the exam meets this definition and was unrelated to the reason for surgery (pathology in opposite eye) report -24 and -25

    You would code the SLT 65855 -79 as the SLT was unrelated to the surgery in the right eye.