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  • Notable Dates in Ophthalmology — Spring 2021

    10 Years ago (2011)

    Femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery was described as a major advance at the American Academy of Ophthalmology meeting.

    Harry Quigley, MD
    Harry Quigley, MD in front of a perimeter. Courtesy of the Truhlsen-Marmor Museum of the Eye®.

    25 years ago (1996)

    Harry A. Quigley, MD, reported in the British Journal of Ophthalmology that glaucoma is the second leading cause of vision loss in the world, with an estimated 6.7 million people worldwide suffering from bilateral blindness as a result of it. 

    50 years ago (1971)

    The distribution of commercial argon laser systems began, and these machines soon replaced xenon photocoagulators for treating retinal lesions.

    Norton with Pope
    Commercial image of a xenon photocoagulator. Courtesy of the Truhlsen-Marmor Museum of the Eye®.

    100 years ago (1911)

    André Magitot, MD, of Paris, published a report of a corneal lamellar homograft that remained clear for a year after surgery. In the same year Magitot made the observation that corneal tissue could be preserved for at least several days prior to use.

    250 years ago (1771)

    August Gottlieb Richter (1742-1812) in his text, “Observationum Chirurgicarum Continens de Cataractae Extractione Observationes,” advocated intracapsular cataract extraction over both couching and extracapsular cataract extraction.

    500 years ago (1521)

    Giacomo (Jacopo) Berengario da Carpi, an Italian physician, completed his book, "Isagoge Breves." This work established him as the foremost anatomist before Andreas Vesalius.