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  • May 02, 2017

    China | Tianjin Eye Hospital

    Institution/Practice Information

    Name: Tianjin Eye Hospital
    Type: University Based
    City. State / Province: Tianjin,
    Country: China

    Contact Person Information

    Name: Rui Hao

    Training Opportunity Information

    Training Opportunity: Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus
    Subspecialty: Pediatric Ophth/Strabismus
    Focus: Clinical
    Description: observe and join to examine patients with different pediatric ocular diseases and assist to operate on the patients with strabismus.
    Preceptor: Wei Zhang
    Duration: 4 to 6 months
    Start Month:
    Application Deadline: No Deadline
    Patient Care: Observational Patient Care
    Financial Support Offered: Yes
    Accepts Applicants: In Residency, Completed Residency, Subspecialty Trained, In Practice, Other
    Language(s) Required: English
    Sponsor / Organization: Tianjin Eye Hospital
    Website for More Information:
    Additional Requirements: The Department of Strabismus and Pediatric was founded by famous professor He Yushi in 1957. His book named Strabismus is the earliest monograph about strabismus, and is still a classical reference for doctors nowadays. We carried out series of clinical research, cured a great number of intractable and complicated cases, and trained a great group for more than 60 years. We have several famous experts. Pro. Zhao Kanxing is the president of Chinese Association of Strabismus and Pediatric Ophthalmology and the former chairman of Chinese Society of Ophthalmology (COS).his department performs more than 4000 strabismus surgeries every year, of which 65-70 percent patients were not native. There were also patients coming from Taiwan and other countries.(2016.7)