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  • Fighting for Patients Outside the OR

    Caring for patients goes beyond what you do in the clinic, according to young ophthalmologists who spoke at an AAO 2016 event on advocacy. During the Oct. 15 event, Academy leaders from OPHTHPAC and the Surgical Scope Fund described how advocacy with state and federal legislators helps you provide the highest level of care to your patients.

    “Advocacy has taught me a way to fight for our patients on a much grander scale,” said Amir Moarefi, MD, a 2016 participant in the Advocacy Ambassador Program. “It’s an honor to represent the field of ophthalmology and teach others of our dedication how to best provide sight. Remember that it’s never too early in your career to get involved and contribute!” 

    The event also covered federal and state advocacy efforts and how to network with those who are closely involved. Young ophthalmologists stressed that every practice should support advocacy efforts with both personal involvement and monetary donations.

    Young ophthalmologists can advocate for their patients on Capitol Hill at Mid-Year Forum 2017, April 26 to 29.

    Watch Philip I. Niles, MD, MBA, below, discuss his biggest concern about becoming involved in advocacy and how his perception has changed.