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  • Policy:

    It is the policy of the American Academy of Ophthalmology to provide members, other medical practitioners, and the public with factual information and to inform them of official actions of and statements by its elected and appointed officers and representatives. When it becomes known that an official action or statement is misrepresented or reported incorrectly, it is Academy policy to call attention to this misrepresentation, to seek an immediate correction or retraction of the misinformation, and to present factual information. Academy officers are charged with the responsibility to determine both an adequate response and an appropriate response mechanism.


    Academy representatives are frequently called upon to present information about Academy policies and actions in a variety of forums. This is encouraged, because broad dissemination of factual information can result in a better understanding of ophthalmology and ophthalmologists.


    Presenters are sometimes able to review and correct reports of their remarks before publication or broadcast, but circumstances vary widely. When misinformation results from a presentation or is distributed by others, every appropriate avenue for communication should be used and every effort should be made to make factual information available.

    Approved by: Board of Directors, October 1990
    Revised and Approved by: Board of Trustees, October 1993
    Revised and Approved by: Board of Trustees, June 1997
    Revised and Approved by: Board of Trustees, February 2001 
    Revised and Approved by: Board of Trustees, September, 2006
    Reaffirmed and Approved by: Board of Trustees, October 2010

    ©2010 American Academy of Ophthalmology®
    P.O. Box 7424 / San Francisco, CA 94102 / 415.561.8500