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  • Depth Perception

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    Reviewed By Stephen N Lipsky MD
    Published Mar. 23, 2018

    Depth perception is the ability to see things in three dimensions (including length, width and depth), and to judge how far away an object is.

    For accurate depth perception, you generally need to have binocular (two-eyed) vision. In a process called convergence, our two eyes see an object from slightly different angles and our brain compares and processes the two sets of information to form a single image. When both eyes see clearly and the brain processes a single image effectively, it is called stereopsis.

    People who rely on vision primarily in one eye (called monocular vision) may struggle with depth perception. However, some people who have had good vision in one eye for a long period of time may find they have acceptable depth perception. This is because their brain has adjusted in various ways to make up for the limited visual input from one eye.

    Some conditions that can cause depth perception problems include:

    If you suspect you are having trouble with your depth perception, talk with your ophthalmologist.