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  • Why You Should Send Your Tech to AAO 2023

    The Academy has launched a new and extensive tech training at AAO 2023. Here are eight compelling reasons why you should consider sending your technicians:

    Skill Development 

    Training programs provide technicians with opportunities to enhance their skills and knowledge. By investing in training, you can ensure that your technicians stay up to date with the latest industry practices, technological advancements and regulatory requirements.

    Patient Safety and Quality of Care

    Well-trained technicians are better equipped to handle complex procedures and provide high-quality patient care. Technicians who receive training in time management, organizational skills and effective task delegation can work more efficiently, resulting in increased productivity and reduced errors.

    Increased Efficiency and Productivity

    Training programs can focus on streamlining processes and improving workflow efficiency. By investing in training, practice administrators can optimize the use of resources and ensure that the practice operates smoothly and effectively.

    Adaptation to Technological Advances

    Health care technology is rapidly advancing, and practices need to keep pace with these changes. Training programs can help technicians become proficient in using new medical devices, electronic health records (EHR) systems, or other technology platforms. Technicians who are trained in the latest tools and systems can contribute to increased efficiency, improved patient outcomes, and smoother integration of new technologies into the practice workflow.

    Team Morale and Retention

    Offering training opportunities to technicians demonstrates that the practice values their professional growth and development. Investment in your employees' skills can significantly boost team morale, job satisfaction, and loyalty. Technicians who feel supported and empowered are more likely to stay with the practice long-term, reducing turnover and the associated costs of hiring and training new staff.

    Professional Networking and Collaboration

    Training programs often bring together professionals from various practices and healthcare settings. Sending technicians for training provides them with valuable opportunities to network and collaborate with peers in the industry. Interacting with others in the field can foster knowledge sharing, the exchange of best practices, and the development of professional relationships. These connections can be beneficial for the practice, as technicians bring back new ideas and insights from their interactions, promoting innovation and continuous improvement.

    Career Advancement and Succession Planning

    Training programs not only enhance technicians' current job performance but also prepare them for future roles and responsibilities. Through training, practice administrators can create a pathway for career advancement within the organization. Technicians who receive training are more likely to acquire new skills, take on additional responsibilities and become valuable assets for succession planning. This helps the practice build a skilled and capable workforce for the long term.

    Compliance and Regulations  

    Health care regulations and compliance requirements are constantly evolving. Regular training helps technicians stay informed about changes in regulations, policies, and procedures. It ensures that they understand and adhere to the necessary guidelines, reducing the risk of compliance violations and potential legal consequences for the practice. Training can cover areas such as HIPAA regulations, medical billing and coding updates, and OSHA guidelines.

    Sending technicians for training benefits both the individual employees and the practice as a whole. It promotes professional growth, enhances patient care, ensures regulatory compliance, fosters a positive work environment and enables the practice to adapt to the evolving health care landscape.