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  • Courtesy of Dr. Parul Ichhpujani. Submitted by Dr Drishti Singh.
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    A 27-year old female was referred as a case of glaucoma. On examination her BCVA was 20/20, IOP was 14 in right and 16 in left eye and anterior segment was within normal limits. Posterior segment examination showed both eye optic disc coloboma and optic disc pit and was further confirmed on OCT disc. HVF 24-2 showed enlargement of blind spot and OCT macula was within normal limits. She was informed that she did not have glaucoma and was counselled about her condition. Fundus photo of left eye shows an oval white excavation with sharp borders surrounding the disc suggestive of optic disc coloboma along with a greyish depression of optic disc on the temporal side suggestive of optic disc pit.