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  • Submit an Abstract to Present an Instruction Course for the AAOP Program at the Academy Annual Meeting

    For those wishing to share their tips and strategies with colleagues, consider submitting an AAOP instructional course to present at the annual meeting. Share practical insights, strategies and pearls for clinical team members. The submission period for 75-minute courses runs from the second Thursday in December to the second Tuesday in January. 

    How to Submit an Abstract

    Step 1: Create your course title. (Maximum 120 characters)
    Step 2: Write a brief synopsis of your course topic. (90 - 120 words)
    Step 3: Develop a list of objectives that you hope to achieve for attendees. (50 - 70 words)
    Step 4: Select the appropriate program track for your course: Technician/AAOP Instruction Course

    Key Considerations

    • Diverse Perspectives: Create panel discussions with a mix of clinical team member viewpoints including administrators, physicians and technicians.  
    • Fresh Content: Present new material not showcased in previous annual meetings, as repeated courses may have reduced appeal.
    • Interactive Format: Foster engagement with attendees through interactive sessions, encouraging questions and collaboration.
    • Practical Takeaways: Share actionable strategies, pearls of wisdom, and practical insights that attendees can implement immediately.
    • Timely Topics: Address pressing issues and emerging trends for clinical teams of all sizes, catering to small, large, multi-specialty, and academic practices.
    • Comprehensive Coverage: Present both the medical knowledge (the why) and the clinical skills (the how) of essential clinical team member responsibilities.
    • Limited Presenters: Keep the presenter count to 3-4 for effective Q&A and discussion.
    • Inclusivity: Embrace diversity by considering varied perspectives based on race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, abilities, and other factors when selecting co-presenters. Ensure presentations cater to the needs and interests of all attendees. 

    AAOP Ophthalmic Technician Program Subject Classification 

    Ophthalmic Technician course applications will be accepted in the following subclassifications:
    • Clinical Skills
    • Documentation/Coding/Scribing
    • Practice Management
    • Subspecialty
    • Testing Services 

    Suggested AAOP Ophthalmic Technician Course Topics 

    • Discuss the importance of individual clinical skills and how to efficiently perform each skill
    • How to efficiently perform the most common diagnostic services
    • How to implement lean principles in ophthalmic practices for improved efficiency and patient care
    • Identify strategies to minimize risk
    • Identify the latest developments in ophthalmic testing services
    • Specific technician medical knowledge and clinical skills tips for each ophthalmology subspecialties
    • The technician's role in documentation compliance, coding and billing