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  • I am performing iris synechiolysis of adhesions during a cataract surgery. How should the claim be submitted?

    Question: I am performing iris synechiolysis of adhesions during a cataract surgery. How should the claim be submitted? For example, do I submit both 66984 Cataract surgery with IOL and 65865 Severing adhesions of anterior segment of eye, incisional technique (with or without injection of air or liquid) (separate procedure); goniosynechiae? Or should I submit 66982 Complex cataract surgery? 

    Answer: Due to separate procedure language and CCI bundling pf 65865 with 66984, submit only 66984 -eye modifier, since it has the higher allowable.

    It is only appropriate to unbundle if the surgery is performed through a separate incision, or a separate site of the eye or performed at a separate session.

    This is not one of the qualifying factors for complex cataract surgery.

    The other option is to append modifier -22 to 66984 to show additional work significantly above and beyond the cataract surgery. These claims go to review which takes an additional six to eight weeks for payment — if approved.