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  • Five Things to Know About Droopy Eyelids

    Published May. 25, 2017

    Gravity and time has its way with all of us, particularly our skin and muscles. As we age, skin loses its elasticity and muscle tone decreases. When it comes to our faces, our eyes may show the passage of time with increasingly droopy eyelids—called ptosis.

    Here are five things to know about ptosis:

    1. Droopy eyelids can develop when the muscle that lifts the eyelid (called the levator muscle) stretches and weakens over time. The weaker the levator muscle, the harder it is to keep the eyes fully open.
    2. Age is not the only culprit with ptosis. Medical conditions such as an eye injury or nerve damage can leave the upper eyelid sagging lower than normal.
    3. A baby can be born with ptosis. This happens if their levator muscle did not develop properly.
    4. If a droopy eyelid covers part of your pupil, your vision will be affected. Some people with ptosis may find they constantly tilt their head up to see better.
    5. An ophthalmologist can repair ptosis, surgically improving the function of the upper eyelid and helping to lift it up. This surgery is usually done in an outpatient procedure. A prescription eyedrop is also available.

    If droopy eyelids are bringing you down or impacting your vision, talk with an ophthalmologist. Ptosis repair can make the world brighter and improve your outlook.