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  • Veterans' Eye Health

    Published Nov. 10, 2014

    Veterans face all of the same eye health issues as other people. Veterans of the Vietnam, Korean, or early wars are in or entering life stages when eye disorders like cataract, glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy are more likely to occur. Also, like everyone in mid-life and beyond, veterans may find their near vision decreasing due to presbyopia ("aging eyes") and need reading glasses or another vision correction solution.

    When it comes to eye injury, however, people in our military have a higher risk than many other people. And veterans of the Iraq or Afghanistan wars are more likely than those who served in earlier wars to have vision loss as a result of traumatic brain injury (TBI). Higher rates of TBI in these recent wars can be attributed to two factors: explosive devices have been a major cause of injury, and improved body armor has enabled soldiers to survive more serious injuries. Read more about TBI and vision loss.

    Because eye care is complex and technology-driven, it is important that all veterans receive superior quality eye information and eye care. EyeSmart is dedicated to providing veterans with the comprehensive eye health information they need to make educated decisions about their eye care in consultation with their ophthalmologist. In addition to information about diseases and conditions, symptoms, vision correction, and eye-healthy living, you will also find guidance about when to see an ophthalmologist and how to find a VA ophthalmology.

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