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    Can You Guess July's Mystery Condition?

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    July 2020 Blink


    Last Month’s Blink

    Persistent Fetal Vasculature

    Written by Deepa Taranath, MBBS, MS, FRANZCO. Photograph by Angela Chappell, CRA, OCT-C. Both are at Flinders Medical Centre Ophthalmology Department, Adelaide, Australia.

    June 2020 Blink

    An 8-year-old boy failed his preschool vision screening. Visual acuity (VA) in his left eye was 20/250 with pinhole 20/200. He showed no significant improvement in vision despite amblyopia therapy with patching. Slit-lamp photography of the posterior pole, using fundus retroillumination, revealed posterior lens opacity with radiating ghost vessels associated with persistent fetal vasculature (PFV). The location of the anterior hyaloid attachment and the regressed ghost vessels were visible; note the unusual mimicry of the optic disc with emerging retinal vessels. The patient underwent lensectomy with implantation of an IOL and has shown a good response to patching therapy; his most recent VA was 20/100.

    Read your colleagues’ discussion.

    BLINK SUBMISSIONS: Send us your ophthalmic image and its explanation in 150-250 words. E-mail to, fax to 415-561-8575, or mail to EyeNet Magazine, 655 Beach Street, San Francisco, CA 94109. Please note that EyeNet reserves the right to edit Blink submissions.