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  • Destination AAO

    Get Ready for Chicago

    Destination AAO 2024 logo.

    For four days, Chicago will be ophthalmology central. Join your colleagues for this year’s Subspecialty Day (Oct. 18 & Oct. 19) and AAO 2024 (Oct. 18–21).

    In each issue leading up to AAO 2024, EyeNet will provide you with the information you’ll need to hit the ground running when you arrive in Chicago—including a heads-up on deadlines, event previews, interviews, sneak peeks, and more.

    May’s Issue: Explore Chicago. Registration opens June 26. And more.

    June’s Issue: Registration opens June 26. Preview the Neuro-Ophthalmology and Uveitis Subspecialty Day programs. And more.

    July’s Issue: Register by Aug. 7. Preview the Glaucoma and Pediatric Ophthalmology Subspecialty Day programs. And more.

    August’s Issue: Register by Sept. 18. Don’t miss the Saturday Night Celebration. Save the dates: EyeNet Corporate Lunches. And more.

    Supported by:Heidelberg Engineering logo.