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  • Not in Las Vegas? Watch AAO 2015 Online

    This year, what happens in Vegas won’t be staying in Vegas. There are 4 ways to enjoy the action online.

    Watch episodes of AAO TV. Each episode is short—about 5 or 6 minutes—but is rich with pearls from this year’s presentations. The first episode focuses on Friday’s Retina and Refractive Surgery Subspecialty Day meetings, and is available now. (Some hotels will be devoting a TV channel to AAO TV, which also will be shown on monitors at the convention centter.)

    Enjoy individual interviews. AAO TV will be complemented by several short Q&A’s with presenters. Today, for instance, you can hear Yao Liu, MD, talk about her Glaucoma Subspecialty Day presentation,There’s Red on That Scan—Is It Real?” Dr. Liu gives practical tips for identifying artifacts and anomalies that commonly occur on OCT scans of the retinal nerve fiber layer.

    Sign up for live streaming. If you sign up for the Academy’s Virtual Meeting, you can access much content that was prepared ahead of time, such as the scientific posters and videos, and you can also watch some events live. On Sunday, for example, the Academy will be live streaming the following:

    • The Opening Session (8:30-10:00 a.m., PST)
    • A Clinician’s Guide to the Management of Neovascular AMD (2:00-3:30 p.m.)
    • Spotlight on Anterior Segment Emergencies (3:45-5:15 p.m.)

    Buy AAO Meetings on Demand. The Academy is recording all the Subspecialty Day meetings plus select sessions from AAO 2015. If you are in Las Vegas, you can order AAO Meetings on Demand at the Academy Resource Center (Hall id Gregory S. Kosmorsky, DO, discussing a case of occipital neuralgia at Neuro-ophthalmology Subspecialty Day. “This issue of amblyopia is the number-B, Booth 2632) or at the sales booth in the Level 2 Lobby. After AAO 2015 is over, you can buy it online