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    Imaging for Plateau Iris Configuration and Syndrome

    AAO 2016
    Cataract/Anterior Segment, Comprehensive Ophthalmology, New Technology and Instruments

    In this presentation from AAO 2016, Joseph F. Panarelli, MD, discusses the following:

    • Patients with plateau iris syndrome are often asymptomatic and diagnosing early is essential because these patients tend to be young and can develop progressive angle closure.
    • Both UBM and AS-OCT are useful in assessing angle anatomy, but UBM is more beneficial when evaluating structures posterior to the iris, so it might be more useful in diagnosing plateau iris syndrome and planning surgical management.
    • Both AS-OCT and UBM can be used to image the angle pre- and post-treatment. OCT can be performed more easily and in a noncontact fashion, but UBM might be preferred given its ability to image critical posterior chamber anatomy.

    UBM is his preference for imaging modality for plateau iris syndrome. It provides high-quality imaging of the anterior chamber, excellent views of the ciliary body, and allows the surgeon to predict the effectiveness of laser iridectomy.