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  • Retina Subspecialty Day Late Breaking Developments: Frequently Asked Questions

  • Contents:

    What is the submission deadline for late breaking abstracts?

    When will I be notified about the status of my abstract?

    If accepted, when will I receive the schedule information?

    I do not have an Academy account, how can I submit my abstract?

    Do I need to be a member of the Academy to submit an abstract?

    I’m an optometrist, can I submit an abstract?

    Can optometrists attend Subspecialty Day?

    If the abstract is accepted, does the presenter have to attend?

    Is there a maximum length for the abstract?

    Is there a maximum length for titles?

    What do I need to do regarding Financial Interest Disclosure?

    Do co-authors need to submit financial interest disclosures?

    I’m employed by a commercial interest. May I submit an abstract?

    If my abstract is accepted, how do I follow the disclosure policy at Retina Subspecialty Day?

    Can I submit research that I have presented elsewhere?

    I cannot find an answer to my question on this list. Who do I contact?

    What is the submission deadline for late breaking development abstracts?

    The online submitter opened May 9 and will close Aug. 6 at 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time. 

    When will I be notified about the status of my abstract?

    Late breaking development abstract status (accepted or rejected) will be sent by email to Presenting Authors the week of Aug. 26.

    All further scheduling notifications for accepted abstracts will be sent to the presenting author. It is the responsibility of the author listed first, the presenter, to contact the American Academy of Ophthalmology (Academy) if notification is not received by the end of August.

    If accepted, when will I receive the schedule information?

    Final schedules, with date and time for in-person paper presentations, will be emailed to the Presenting Author by the end of August. The Presenting Author is the author listed first. It is the responsibility of the Presenting Author to contact the Academy if the schedule is not received within two weeks of the published notification date. Once the final schedule is released to the Presenting Author, the Academy will communicate ONLY with the presenting author.

    I do not have an Academy account, how can I submit my abstract?

    All submissions are accepted through the Academy's website; individuals submitting abstracts should use an existing user account or create one. All Academy members (present and past), past program participants, and those who have ever attended an Academy meeting already have an Academy user account.

    Do I need to be a member of the Academy to submit an abstract?

    No, the Presenting Author does not need to be a member of the Academy.

    I’m an optometrist, can I submit an abstract?

    The Academy does not permit attendance by optometrists or participation as a presenting author of an abstract for Subspecialty Day. An optometrist may be listed as a co-author on an abstract.

    Can optometrists attend Subspecialty Day? 

    The Academy does not permit attendance by optometrists to Subspecialty Day.

    If the abstract is accepted, does the presenter have to attend?

    Presenters of in-person presentations are expected to attend Retina Subspecialty Day in Chicago.

    Is there a maximum length for the abstract?

    Yes, the maximum length for abstracts is 1000 characters – NOT including spaces. This is approximately 150-250 words. The online submission application will keep track of and display the used character count in the text box.

    Preparation Tips:

    • Avoid "falsely" exceeding the character limits when copying and pasting the abstract from a prepared document. Make sure it is not a rich text (.rtf) document that has hidden formatting characters (e.g. HTML) as that will count against the total character limit.

    • Submitting authors may type directly into the abstract text box.

    • Save a backup copy of the submission as a Plain Text file using Sticky Notes, Notepad, or a word processing program.

    • There is a "time-out" after 20 minutes. Save each page frequently.

    • Click continue at the bottom and then navigate back to the overview to continue to update. Changes are not saved until clicking "continue".

    • Attempts to save after the time expires result in a “Critical Error” warning. Academy staff cannot retrieve information entered as it was NOT saved. Navigate back to that page and start over.

    • Do not add special formatting (underlining, unnecessary bolding, bullet points, hard returns after main headings) to the submission. Only the main headings should be in bold.

    • There is no "Submit" button. The submitting author has access to the site to make changes as often as needed up until the deadline. Coauthors cannot log in to view or make changes.

    • All abstracts that have clicked through/saved information on each required field are considered complete. Academy staff will pass on abstracts for review that are complete at the deadline.

    Is there a maximum length for titles?

    The recommended length for abstract titles is 120 characters. The text box for the title will not count spaces. Do not repeat the title in the abstract body field.

    What do I need to do regarding Financial Interest Disclosure?

    Program participants are required to disclose whether they have participated in any ophthalmology-related financial interests over the past 24 months. Each submitting author will be prompted to enter financial interest disclosure information at the initial login to the abstract system. The Academy requires all program presenters to complete disclosures online before their presentations.

    Do co-authors need to submit financial interest disclosures?

    Coauthors are encouraged, but not required, to complete disclosures. The Academy considers the Presenting Authors, not coauthors, to be in control of the educational content. Though coauthors are acknowledged, they do not have control of content, and their disclosures are not published or resolved.

    I’m employed by a commercial interest. May I submit an abstract?

    Presenters who are employed by a commercial interest may be permitted to present under limited circumstances:

    • When the abstract content is not related to the business lines or products of their employer/company.

    • When the abstract content is limited to basic science research (e.g., preclinical research, drug discovery) or the methodologies of research, and the authors do not make care recommendations.

    • As technicians in Skills Transfer Labs, limited to demonstrating the safe and proper use of medical devices and do not recommend whether or when a device is used.

    Academy presentations may not be used for commercial promotion.

    If my abstract is accepted, how do I follow the disclosure policy at Retina Subspecialty Day?

    Presenters are required to display financial relationships on the first slide of their original paper presentation, poster or video. This is required even if the presenter has no financial interest. The presenter should also verbally disclose any financial interest relevant to the presentation.

    Even with disclosure, presentations should never promote the use of any commercial product.

    Learn more about Your Role in CME.

    Can I submit research that I have presented elsewhere?

    Yes, previously presented material may be submitted for review but ONLY when the presentation given is not bound by the copyright of another organization. It is the responsibility of the Submitting Author(s) to determine whether their work is under copyright with another organization.

    I cannot find an answer to my question on this list. Who do I contact?

    If you are unable to locate the information you need, contact