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    In conjunction with the American Society of Retina Specialists, the Macula Society, and the Retina Society

    Retina 2024: Winds of Change

    Engage with the latest research while learning about new vitreoretinal imaging, surgical instruments and techniques.

    Friday, Oct. 18 and Saturday, Oct. 19
    McCormick Place, Chicago, IL

    Breakfast will be served for in-person attendees at 7 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time. The program will start at 8 a.m. Central Standard Time.

    Program Directors

    Barbara Ann Blodi, MD
    Sophie J Bakri, MD

    Program Planning Group

    Sophie J. Bakri, MD
    Barbara Ann Blodi, MD
    Diana V. Do, MD
    Gaurav K. Shah, MD

    Late Breaking Developments

    You’re invited to submit a late breaking development abstract to present your research at the upcoming 2024 Retina Subspecialty Day. Submissions will be reviewed by the Retina Subspecialty Day Planning Group and abstracts will be selected based on unique and clinically relevant content. The purpose of the late breaking submission of abstracts is to give physicians the opportunity to report recent research on clinical discoveries, representing a major advance or new finding in the world of retina. Priority will be given to first-time results of later stage clinical trials that have not been presented.

    The online abstract submitter is now open and will close Aug 6 at 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time. Notifications will go out the week of Aug. 26.

    Submit an Abstract


    View the schedule in the AAO 2024 Meeting Guide. Click the Program button on the homepage, then select Program Search. Choose among the Subspecialty Day meeting options under the "Filter by Meeting" drop-down menu. You can select multiple filters/meetings.

    Mission Statement

    The 2024 Retina Subspecialty Day aims to provide a comprehensive and focused medical and surgical retina update for the retina specialist, interested ophthalmologist, and ophthalmologist-in-training. The meeting focuses on up-to-date, clinically, and scientifically relevant retina topics presented by an international group of respected, expert retina specialists. The major educational goal is to highlight new medical and surgical clinical advances and research outcomes and present them in ways that are useful for patient care. The meeting achieves this objective by engaging meeting participants in didactic presentations, case presentations, videos, debates, exhibits, panel discussions, and audience response polling.

    Target Audience

    The intended target audience for this program is retinal specialists, members in training, and general ophthalmologists who are engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of vitreoretinal diseases.

    Education Level

    Intermediate, Advanced

    Program Objectives

    Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:

    • Classify established and innovative approaches to the medical and surgical management of vitreoretinal diseases and disorders.

    • Identify imaging tests and artificial intelligence strategies that are most helpful in the diagnosis and management of retinal conditions and discuss emerging developments in retinal imaging and diagnostics.

    • Describe new vitreoretinal surgical techniques and instrumentation.

    • Identify new developments in the understanding of hereditary retinal degenerations, retinal vascular disease, AMD and other macular diseases, pediatric retinal diseases, uveitis, and ocular oncology.

    • Identify and summarize current and new clinical trial data for retinal diseases such as AMD, diabetic retinopathy, hereditary retinal conditions, and retinal vein occlusion.