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    Lower Eyelid Spacer for Lid Retraction in Facial Palsy

    By Manu Saini, MBBS, MD, Surinder Singh Pandav, MBBS, MS, Usha Singh, MS, Pankaj Gupta, MBBS, MS

    Dr. Manu Saini and colleagues demonstrate the use of retroauricular cartilage as a spacer for lower eyelid retraction in a patient with facial nerve palsy. The palsy occurred secondary to brain tumor surgery, leaving the patient with lagophthalmos. Spacer placement into the posterior lamella of the lower eyelid was planned in combination with lateral tarsal strip procedures in order to augment the eyelid's height.

    Financial Disclosures: Dr. Manu Saini discloses no financial relationships. Dr. Surinder Pandav discloses no financial relationships. Dr. Usha Singh discloses no financial relationships. Dr. Pankaj Gupta discloses no financial relationships.