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  • 2018 YO Info Resident Edition

     2018 YO Info Resident Edition

    Full 2018 Resident Edition (all articles in a single 1.1 MB PDF)

    Congratulations on entering your ophthalmology resi­dency and getting one big step closer to your career goals! Ophthalmology is a tremendous field and we young ophthalmologists on the YO Info editorial board want to help your transition. We hope our newsletter arms you with some of the tools needed to make that happen.

    Throughout the year, we will continue to publish clini­cal and surgical pearls and help prepare you for the Academy’s annual meeting and the Mid-Year Forum, where we get to advocate for patients and the princi­ples of our profession.

    The Academy defines you as a young ophthalmolo­gist while you are in training or the first five years of practice thereafter — a status that brings some spe­cial benefits and programming. You join a group of over 6,000 young ophthalmologists in the United States and abroad. We’re very happy to add you to this large but select group and want to use our expertise and abilities to prepare you for as much success as we can.

    You can find us by our e-newsletter, our website at and relevant posts (#AAOYO) through the Academy’s Twitter account (@aao_ophth) and Facebook page — or even just by googling “YO Info.” Like and follow us so we can keep our conversation going! We want to hear all about new members from our community, and we hope to hear about your own personal accomplishments and the ways we can be more helpful to each of you. Welcome!

    The Resident Edition is available as a series of web pages or as a single PDF. Tip: To save online articles for future reference, log in with your member account and click "Add to My To-Do List." Download and print the PDF if you prefer a paper copy.

    8 Keys for a Successful Ophthalmology Residency

    Learn the Lingo: Ophthalmic Abbreviations

    To-Do List for the Young Ophthalmologist

    Why Advocate

    Cutting Edge: One Corneal Layer at a Time

    Residents’ Timeline

    Essentials for Top 10 Eye Emergencies

    OKAP Resources for Incoming Residents

    3 Procedures for Eye-mergencies

    How to Conquer the Pediatric Eye Exam

    Ophthalmic Suturing 101