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  • Top 10 Stories from 2017

    As YO Info kicks off the new year, we’re also taking a look back at last year’s highlights. From new trends in clinical care to new perspectives on running the best possible practice — here are our 10 most popular stories from 2017.

    10. 7 Tips for Overcoming Early Career Stress

    Entering ophthalmology practice brings many new responsibilities, and with that stress. Fortunately, others have faced these challenges before you. Here’s how seven young ophthalmologists tackled some of their biggest early career stressors.

    9. Edge of Ophthalmology: 2 Emerging Trends in Diabetic Retinopathy

    Ophthalmology has a long history of performing large-scale clinical trials to guide our management of eye diseases — one of many reasons to take pride in your chosen field. Two of these have risen to prominence in the last year or so. Familiarizing yourself with them will give you a head start with your patients and attendings.

    8. 3 Surprising Tips for Patient Care from 2017 Academy President Cynthia A. Bradford, MD

    What advice does the 2017 Academy president have for residents and physicians new to practice? In an interview with YO Info, she shares her tips for helping patients thrive both in and out of the clinic.

    7. How to Examine the Orbital Fracture Patient

    You’ve been called in for an emergency facial trauma consult. Where do you start? What are the important things to examine and note? You can approach such patients in various ways, but here’s the approach one YO oculoplastic specialist found most helpful for examining a patient with a potential orbital fracture.

    6. When to Test Patients for Possible Giant Cell Arteritis with ESR, CRP and Plt

    Three blood tests play an important role in diagnosis of giant cell arteritis: erythrocyte sedimentation rate, c-reactive protein and platelet count, usually obtained as part of a complete blood count. Here’s how these tests can help guide your diagnostic decisions.

    5. Indirect Ophthalmoscopy 101

    Learning indirect ophthalmoscopy may be the most difficult and stress-provoking exam technique a new resident faces. The skill is rightfully challenging — indirect ophthalmoscopy proficiency takes thousands of exams. However, with patience and practice, you too can master it. These basics will get you off to a good start.

    4. 3 Things That Will Affect Your Billing in 2017

    This year, you can expect some significant modifications to how you bill and get paid. Stay ahead of the curve with this overview of the three things that might impact your practice’s billing the most — value-based payments; new and revised retina codes; and ongoing implementation of ICD-10 changes.

    Editor’s note: For more-recent guidance on billing, see our advice on ICD-10 changes that took effect Oct. 1.

    3. How to Successfully Prepare for Cataract Surgery

    Most residents have limited exposure to microsurgery in medical school, which can create additional stress. Fortunately, you can take several steps before surgery to prepare for the best possible outcome. Here are a few pearls that can aid in early skill development.

    2. 7 Pearls for Managing Transient and Permanent Retinal Ischemia

    As ophthalmologists, we sometimes focus too intently on the eye and miss opportunities to use our expertise to prevent systemic disease. A prime example is the diagnosis and management of retinal transient ischemic attacks and retinal artery occlusions.

    1. 6 Ways Silicon Valley Is Changing Eye Care

    In the health care market, new technologies like apps, wearables and software services are growing at an exponential rate. Here’s a look at 6 innovations that could change the face of ophthalmology.