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  • By Robert A. Goldberg, MD

    The authors of this study describe their success at performing upper eyelid blepharoplasty in Korean women via an infrabrow incision in order to improve lateral skin hooding. They left the brow fat pad untouched to maintain youthful brow pad fullness. Areas of concern include brow position or contour lowering and visible infrabrow scarring, although the scar seemed well hidden in the authors' postoperative photographs.

    The authors said the procedure can achieve the same goals as conventional blepharoplasty in patients with the following indications: prior infrabrow excision, desire to preserve inborn lid crease lines, multiple prior lid operations related to double-eyelid operation, lateral lid hooding, planned or pre-existing cosmetic eyebrow tattoo, and age between late 30s and mid-50s and therefore lack of susceptibility to the most severe forms of blepharochalasia.

    The study included 64 patients (128 eyelids) ranging in age from 32 to 61 on which the authors performed infrabrow excision blepharoplasty over a three-year period. Follow-up was a mean of 13 months. Mean operating time was 35 minutes, and there were no complications related to scars or periorbital sensory change.

    Postoperative patient satisfaction was reportedly high, and patients reported visual field improvement, a lightened feeling of the lateral lids, improvement in skin sloughs from intertrigo at the lateral lid fold and disclosure and revival of the lid crease of youth.


    Financial Disclosures
    Dr. Goldberg has no financial interests to disclose.